From Rough to Refined: The Diamond Cutting Process Unveiled

The diamond-cutting process is a true art that reveals the hidden beauty within rough, unpolished stones. Let’s explore the intricate steps involved in this remarkable journey.

Selection and Planning:

  • Master cutters assess each stone’s shape, size, and internal characteristics to determine the most suitable cutting plan. Maximizing the gem’s potential while minimizing waste is a delicate balancing act that requires expert knowledge and skill.

Cleaving or Sawing:

  • Depending on the size and shape of the rough diamond, the first step may involve cleaving or sawing the stone. Cleaving splits the diamond along its natural planes of weakness, while sawing uses a laser or diamond-embedded saw to cut the rough stone.


  • Bruting involves rounding the diamond’s edges to create a girdle, the diamond’s outermost edge. This process ensures the diamond will have a symmetrical shape, crucial for its overall brilliance.


  • Faceting is the heart of the diamond-cutting process. Highly skilled cutters use precise measurements and angles to cut and shape the diamond’s facets. Facets are the flat, polished surfaces that interact with light, giving the diamond its brilliant sparkle and scintillation.


  • Expert polishers use diamond dust and a rotating wheel to create smooth, gleaming surfaces on each facet. This meticulous process brings out the diamond’s full brilliance, making it shine with unparalleled radiance.

Final Inspection:

  • Skilled gemologists carefully examine the diamond to ensure it meets the highest standards of cut, clarity, color, and carat weight. Only diamonds that pass this stringent evaluation earn the privilege of being certified and offered to discerning customers.

The Finished Gem:

  • The diamond cutting process, which began with a rough and unrefined stone, culminates in a breathtaking gem. Each diamond is unique, reflecting the creativity and artistry of the master cutters who have skillfully revealed their inherent brilliance.

In conclusion, the diamond-cutting process is a testament to skill, dedication, and craftsmanship. From the selection of rough stones to the precise art of faceting and polishing, each step in the process contributes to the diamond’s final brilliance and splendor.

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